The CDC Vital Statistics just released this preliminary data for 2005.
What do you think of the fact that in 2005, over 1/2 of births to women aged 20-24 years were to unwed girls?
This is a terrible site. Why would you want to label these babies bastards. They may very well be born to girls who are quite happy not being married and are still good mothers. I find that word very offensive and archaic. This is the millenium and you do not need a marriage licence to raise happy, healthy children.
Reply:Nothing is wrong with unwed mothers, as for the fathers they are immature, irresponsible at that age. They want to have fun but not own up to the responsibility, little boys is what I call them.
Reply:It is another sign of the decline of traditional family values. I also do not believe it can be reversed....our young people are so programmed by the liberal thinking of our public education systems so as to challenge what has always been considered "right" and "wrong." No shame, no remorse, no have the right to......whatever you want.
So even the good logic of the need for the balance of female and male parental influence for children and the positive community influences like churches is met with the "brain-trained" attitude, "It's MY life and I will do what I want."
This way, the homosexual %26amp; feminist agenda can have a wide open gate through which to further their agenda.
And if anyone thinks baby-killing (abortions) is about anything but big profits for a very very big industry (and NOT about providing what is best for you) you are living in a dreamland. Those babies are worth a LOT of money dead - their parts are sold for research and the clinic owners are rolling in blood money....all the way to hell.
Reply:Do they have the statistics on how many of those unwed women still have the baby's father(or a man that is willing to be the childs father by deed) in their lives? Or how many of those women are providing very well for their children despite not being married? How many of those women are scraping by, and should never have brought a child into this world? How many of those unwed women put their babies up for adoption? How many used the baby as a "trap" for a man? There is more to the "unwed mother" issue than her just being unwed. I say if the woman is willing and able, there is no need for me to worry. If the woman isn't able, then there is cause for alarm(being married in no way makes a woman more able to raise a child than one who isn't married). "Unwed mother" doesn't equal "unfit mother"
Reply:Truly sad. I give credit to the changing society of permissiveness. It is no longer a stigma. When a higher authority and parental guidance are no longer in the equation. Mom is in the work place and no longer at home. The sexual revolution. These are just a few of the things that have lead to this.
It truly saddens me.God help the next generation
Reply:Just one of the many marvelous legacies of Great Society liberalism, feminism, and the evisceration of the constitution by opportunistic whore politicians.
Oh, and the fathers are probably out knocking up other irresponsible sluts. Or maybe just sponging off one of them, but not marrying her because it would kill a lot of her government handouts.
Reply:Hey, everyone could use a tax right off; and house prices are just ridiculous these days.
Reply:At least these unwed mothers are older, hopefully more mature and better financially able to care for children then unwed teen mothers. Personally, if every mother out there waited for marriage to have children, there would be a lot less children in the world, because right now there is definitely a shortage of qualified fathers, and being a sperm donor whether it be in person or through a tube, is the same a "sperm donor". Statistics are just that statistics and don't take into consideration "life lessons". There is such a quickness to categorize.
Reply:I, personally, will take unwed woman of 20-24 getting pregnant than girls 12-17 any day. I don't think things are like there were back in the 50s and 60s when it was completely looked down upon. True sometimes that's not a great thing but look at how much the typical family has changed. I don't have an opinion as to rather they should be married or not. That's a personal choice and sometimes its the best to not get married. As long as they mother and child is happy, healthy, and well taken care of, more power to them.
Reply:Just because these women are unmarried, it does not mean they are all single mothers either. I think someone is jumping to conclusions. HTH.
Reply:Welcome to the 21st century
Reply:I'd like to know where the parents are. Doesn't anybody teach their kids about safe sex anymore? Does it LOOK like abstinence based programs really work?
Reply:It is a shame to the human race.
That's not to add to or even mention all of the babies that are destroyed to unwed mothers by way of abortion.
Showing the statistics in the age groups of abortions performed,.
I believe the results would be different if the abortions were included.
Those were still babies, they just were not allow to live.
Still, a children needs to be raised in a family type atmosphere with a woman as a mother figure and a man as a father figure.
When it is just a single parent the child always suffers.
I know there's divorce and the other factors involved at time But, It is intended for a child the to be raise with a Father and Mother together.
Not going religious here.
In our society today God is being eliminated from basically everything.
The bible says; the nation that forgets God shall be turned into Hell. That is what our nation is coming to so it seems
Reply:What everyone else has said is sufficient, but I want to point out to the idiot who said that it doesn't matter to us that we PAY for those children. Some woman that lives down in New Orleans who has ten kids with ten different 'fathers' who gets like $4000 a month from the government- guess who pays for that? I do! You do too! So it IS our concern! This is OUR nation, and WE are concerned for its welfare. Enough of spitting out overused sayings that don't have meaning in context- Enough ignorance.
Reply:who about yourself...why do people care so much about all that stuff as long as they dont do it abortion for example.. its that womens right to do whatever they want to theri body and i dont think someone else should tell them what to do
Reply:It is basically child abuse. 70% of the prison population came from families without a father.
One wonders how it was that these statistics came to be so high over the last 30 years, coincidentally parallel to the women's movement.
However, feminists on here disavow any blame feminism has for this, despite promotion of irresponsible sex for women, child support, maternal custody and child support.
Basically their line on this is that we need to crack down on men more and make them "more responsible", despite the fact that men already have all reproductive responsibility and women have none.
It is the creation of a matrilineal society, which is unsurprisingly what the radfems wanted all along. It is already having disastrous effects.
Reply:Well only because people stop marrying they do not stop loving and getting pregnant, so yeah I have no big issue with it. Also i believe your numbers are for the us, right ? I would be surprised if Italy had numbers which would be anywhere close to that.
Reply:"Girls" ends at 18. You are talking about women aged 20-24. I don't know about the reliability of your "sources"...they look pretty damn dodgy to me...
Reply:I was one of those 'girls' and the father is actually in the living room. Marriage is not on the top of our priority list right now. Our son is.
Reply:I believe the correct term is women. And so what. Sounds right on track for this country.
Reply:I'd rather see an 20-24 year old unwed female have a child than a 14-18 year old. At least the 20-24 year olds are more mature and can handle having a child.
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