I just heard another radio person talking about how that a little
over 3000 men and women have been killed in Iraq and that Pres. Bush
needs to pull them out now! Let's put this in perspective. I too
don't want any Americans to be killed for any reason but I understand
that this does happen in war. That being said, here are the facts.
All of these very brave men and women are volunteers. They were not
drafted like I was during the Vietnam War. They are the most
educated, best trained, best equipped soldiers, airmen, and sailors
in the history of our country. Many of them re-enlist 2 or 3 times so
that they may return to Iraq. Doesn't sound like they don't think the
effort is a waste of time and lives. Ok, we have lost 3300 or so
brave Americans in a little over 4 years in combat. Now, using
information from any of the "Vital Statistics" websites you will find
that: right here in United States there are over 20,000 murders
on our own streets EACH year what do you think?
American liberals?
You know there are liberals in the military in Iraq also. There have been libreals in the military as long as there has been a military in this country. Just like there have been gays in the military since the boys got off the boat at Jamestown in 1607.
Sure all our troops volunteered to be where they are today but they have been lied to by the government. They were promised a Year in country and two out country for training and reequipping.. Now they get a year in and six months out and then back to Iraq. The equipment that the soliders and Marines need to do their jobs of keeping the peace in Iraq is not there. So they go to do a job with worn equipment and shot up Hummers and Strykers.
The US Military is tired and they see the US as not willing to sacrifice for the troops and to step up to the fire step and take the heat of battle. WWII was fought by 59% of the population , Vietnam and Korea by 30%, Iraq and Afghanistan is being fought by just 1% of the US Population.
We are now 5 years into the war and the Army and Marines are just getting to asking Congress to fund and increase in troops and that's for next year. At the rate that the government is going we won't have more troops until 2009 at the earliest. That is if they can get the volunteers as the enlistment rates are down at this time. So what happens we have to start drafting again because we can't do our commitments overseas. I was against going to war in Iraq from the start I though that there was no crediable evidence to backup the case but no one wanted to hear as a Vietnam vet I knew the dangers of war and it horrors but no one would listen. I am against the War but I support the troops who are sent into harms way at the orders of the commander and cheif because this country didn't support the veterns of my war when I was I was overseas and fighting it. War is not to be entered into lightly and we did. Now to get out of Iraq it will take the United States about one year if we start right now. That's to move all the equipment ,wrecked and salvagable, troops and supplies out of country and
The fact that more people have died in Iraq than on Sept. 11 is shocking but do any of you feel as shocked at the daily causualty repaorts as you did on that dark day. NO! The fact that 3,000 people died all at once on Sept 11 is a shock because we say they didn't expect it they were civilians but these soldiers well they expect to die and they die in dribs and drabs, no problem. Face it folks Sept. 11 was just like Pearl Harbor we were caught with our pant down and we got our asses kicked.
By the way did you know that most of the military is on stop loss that means you can't get out even if your time is up. That sounds like impressment to me. Didn't this coutry fight a war against a country that siezed our sailors and citizens and make them serve under duress in the naval forces of that country?
Liberals aren't the only people questioning the war in Iraq there are several conservative lawmkers who now are questioning this war.
Reply:i agree completely with you most liberals are also democratic and bush is repuliican and alot of people dont understand what is going on and the media doesnt really help the situation rarely in the media do you hear of anything good coming out of this war because the bad sells better than the good i also see liberals as they dont like to look at both sides of the story before concluding to a final decision and they just rather bash it all up.
i am a military spouse my husband joined the army a lil before he joined i am a hard worker just like any one else i have been working at a bank before we got married so money was not an issue for us he joined because he wanted to serve his country and not be like the rest that complain. sure they do get helth benifits and college but they deserve it!!
before you join the military you are handed a contract and told to read it clearly and thourghly as to what you will recieve and not recieve they dont screwe any solider out of anything they knew what they had and if they dont well they didnt take the time to read.
i understand that there is liberals in the military and all but hes a military liberal and not a hard core liberal and the militarly liberal sees both sides of the story unlike the many hard core liberals out there
Reply:I agree.
Thanks for serving by the way.
Hodgie - and how do you know this?
Reply:I too hate the thought of any brave soldier dying but compared to other armed conflicts that the US has been in this has been a relatively bloodless war. When you consider that we lost more men in one day in WWII than we have in the four years we have been over in Iraq the loss of life pales in comparison.
Reply:you are on the right track, but nobody is reenlisting because they want to go back to iraq. Our troops reenlist because #1 they are from a small town with no opportunity, #2, they can't afford to get out because of babies/car payments etc, #3 they like being in the military, #4 they have made rank and realize that they are going to have a tough time making the same money on the outside.
Reply:I think that they were misled.we all were misled by a administration that lies and hides the truth to its own ends. I think we are smarter than they give us credit for. America is still in danger and Saddam is dead as well as his sons. Where is Osama? Who paid for 911 other than the 3000+ people who died and the soldiers and their families since then.
Reply:I think the numbers are fixed. One example: when the U.S. invaded Panama to arrest their henchman, Noriega, we Americans were told only a handful of people were injured and killed. Not. Approximately 4,000 Panamenos were killed.
Many have been compelled to stay in beyond their stated requirement of time and we should have never gone into Iraq in the first place.
That is the tragedy, a war that seems to be helping Halliburton and cares little about the soldiers and protecting them.
And don't compare apples and Cadillacs, OK? If you want to get on statistics, 1500 people die EVERY DAY of tobacco-related illnesses, so what do YOU think.
Reply:McLovin says you're a douche.
McLovin says that alot of the military members stay in because they have mouths to feed other than their own.
McLovin can tell you that he knows people in the military that have been to Iraq 2 or 3 times and those people don't agree with it, and they would rather be home with their families instead of out fighting a war to make the rich richer.
Reply:Casualty statistics are not the basis of our objections to the Iraq war. They are merely an immediate example of what following a bad president can do to your nation.
Reply:I understand your point, I am no liberal but what is the question?
Reply:IMHO 99% of the libs in this country would say "get it on", if only there was any plan to do something!!!!!!
"Stay the course" has never worked, is not working, and will never work.
So now that you Conservatives know exactly what the libs are objecting to,, do something!!!! or shut up!!!!!!
Tell ya what,,, if I was a politician, I would want no part of trying to clean up the mess that the Conservatives have caused.
This going on and on and on will have no end.
Reply:Not only Liberals, but the rest who oppose the war need to back off and let the soldiers do their jobs.. They took on the duty and responsibilities of becoming a United States soldier because it was something they WANTED for themselves.
People die all of the time, it's part of nature, it's a part of being a soldier, a police officer, border patrol agent, etc. Thousands die in car accidents each year - should we ban cars? No.
Liberals are the only reason that we have free speech in the states.
Reply:I think it's crappy that you are attaching your child's picture to your political spin.
Reply:Liberal does not equal Progressive, Anarchist, or 60s retread Radical.
Be careful with that broad brush there, sparky.
Reply:I think we should bring our troops home from Iraq. They're just target practice for rival factions in a civil war brought about by an ignorant, arrogant, President's reckless behavior and that of a complicitous American populous, many of whom obviously think killing brown people is a good idea.
Reply:I think we never should have been there to begin with and aren't doing anything to give the Iraqis back their country.
3300 families in grief is too many for a "war" based on lies and US imperialism.
It's one thing for people to be murdered. It's another for a country to send its citizens to death, dismemberment, and psychological torment. I mean, who needs terrorists when we can ruin lives ourselves? We've already surpassed 9/11.
And let's not forget the Iraqis and troops from other countries who have died.
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