Sunday, November 15, 2009

What are a womans of 26, perfect vital statistics?

There is no "perfect" measuremet. That's the problem today, instead of being happy with the body the good lord gave you, women try to put themselves in a PERFECT little box. Guys likes and dislikes of female bodies are as varied as woen's taste in men. Ask 20 different guys what kind of shape he likes on a woman, and you will get 20 different answers. So please don't obcess about 'the perfect size", rather be happy and confident about yourself as you are. Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear.

What are a womans of 26, perfect vital statistics?
The perfect one's are the one's that suit that person.

Everyone is different so it is impossible to answer - what is perfect for a 5'2" 26 year old is completely different to a 5'10" 26 year old.

To many magazines and pictures trying to convince everyone that 'this' is the perfect body.

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