Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Definition of a "Kiss"....funny ?

Prof. of Economics: Kiss is that thing for which the demand

is always higher.

Prof. of Accountancy: Kiss is a credit because it is profitable

when returned.

Prof. of Algebra: Kiss is infinity because two divided

by nothing.

Prof. of Geometry: Kiss is the shortest distance between

two lips.

Prof. of Physics: Kiss is the contraction of mouth due to

the expansion of the heart.

Prof. of Chemistry: Kiss is the reaction of the interaction

between two hearts.

Prof. of Zoology: Kiss is the interchange of salivary bacteria.

Prof. of Physiology: Kiss is the juxtaposition of two orbicularisoris

muscles in the state of contraction.

Prof. of Dentistry: Kiss is infectious and antiseptic.

Prof. of Statistics: Kiss is an event whose probability

depends on the vital statistics of 36-24-36.

Prof. of Philosophy: Kiss is the persecution for the child,

ecstasy for the youth and homage for the old.

The Definition of a "Kiss"....funny ?
Lol Panos you want me to show you how to kiss?The Greeks are the best kissers you can ask me cause I know I love them Greeks.xxHere have a star.xxx
Reply:lol. It depends on whom you are snogging.
Reply:nice .lol

star 10.

Reply:A kiss is just a kiss (a smile is just a smile)
Reply:lol what you looking for.
Reply:Looks like I have learnt something new. I am just glad you are not showing us. Lmao. lol
Reply:sorry i dont get it

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