Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Who cares that nearly 3 in 10 births are to unmarried women 25-29 years-old?

The US gov't just released these preliminary data from the CDC Vital Statistics for 2005. These are not my statistics and the word "bastard" is in the dictionary and has been there for hundreds of years defining people born out-of-wedlock, so don't take offense. . . it's a fact today involving over 1/3 of the nation!



Who cares that nearly 3 in 10 births are to unmarried women 25-29 years-old?
You really have a lot of time on your hand if you constantly obsess about what other people are doing in their lives. Many women myself included were quite self sufficient and economically stable at that age. If a women chooses to have a child then that is her right. not yours Who are you to judge anyone, matrimony is a man made procedure and a child born out of wedlock is no less likely to be cherished. and loved than one born legitimate.
Reply:I don't. Most women that are 25-29 years old that decide to be single mothers are most likely set educationally, financially, job wise, and mature enough to be able to handle being a single mother. Do your sorces tell you that these women in the 25-29 range that are single mothers CHOSE that, and didn't end up like that by accident? If a woman is unmarried and in that age range and she wants kids, it is better for her to have the kids then than it is for her to wait a few years when she gets married. After a certain age(mid to late 30's), there are more chances for problems with birth and the child being less healthy when born to an older woman.

And how in the hell does the "bastard" or "illegitimate" status effect the way a person is or how they impact society? We aren't all nobles that need legitimate heirs to carry on our legacy. The concept of "bastardy" or "illegitimacy" being a bad thing went away with the concept of nobility here in the States.
Reply:exactly, who cares? your question is?
Reply:by the time a woman is 25-29 she has had a chance to go to school and have a good job so what does it matter? who said these baby's don't have daddy's? since when do you have to married to be Daddy? Come on how many kids are born to married couples where the father(the man that is half that kids DNA) is not a part of the kids life? Ya so what if there is not a wedding ring what should be important is that the child is cared for and loved. Man I would hate to hear what you have say on two mommy or two daddy raising a kid.
Reply:You bring up a good discussion question. How does it affect us? I always wonder about what will happen to these women and children. Are the women self-supporting or just accidentally got pregnant and now must deal with the consequences? Who will financially support the child? What about growing up in a household where the primary breadwinner is gone most of the time in order to make a living and is not there to raise and train that child up? Why didn't they choose abortion? Are they living with the child's father and if so, what do they expect will happen to that relationship? Is this child going to have any role models growing up or just left to fend for himself? Are the woman's parents going to raise the child?

There are just so many questions and difficulties in life now that bringing a child into the world is difficult under the best of circumstances with two loving married and committed parents, so why would a single woman opt for this? What is she thinking?

In case you're wondering at this point, I think it's a really bad idea for all concerned and yes, I would think that abortion would generally be a better alternative than to bring a child into the world that you cannot take care of and raise up with a good education and the ability to be successful in life.
Reply:What's the problem about that? What about all the births to married sick marriages?
Reply:Unmarried doesn't necessarily equal 'single mother'. Lots of people just cohabit these days, but still have children and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

Please understand the difference and stop making assumptions.

HTH : )
Reply:what a very sick stat. its not good for society to have this many bastard children. pity others cannot see and understand this. a large chunk of the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of the feminists, telling women crazy ideas. no wonder our society is so out of control, the family structure is out of control, and soon we collectively will reap what we sow, yet many walk around with blinders, quite odd really
Reply:Seriously it doesn't!!!
Reply:It is disgraceful...

Disintegration of the family unit...
Reply:Its too bad, but society in general is changing. It has told women "hey, you don't have to be married to have children." Also, with the rate of divorce in our country why bother getting married, it'll cost you more to get a divorce or he will just leave anyway.
Reply:So what? People don't have to be married to be good parents.

Besides, Jesus was a bastard.
Reply:Hi welcome to the 21st century, where have you been?

First of all, sir. You don't have to be married to be a good mom or raise a child. Did you know that most children who come from a home with parents who are good or happily married are the ones in gangs, robberies, and in drugs and alcohol?

If you are financially, and emotionally why can't you have a kid? I mean think about it, married couples end up getting pregnant never wanting the baby in the first place, is that right?

And how is it any of your business? Get off yahoo and get a life. And stop judging people.

I'm not going to lower myself to you and call you names. So I'll leave it at that.
Reply:I agree: "Who cares that nearly 3 in 10 births are to unmarried women 25-29 years-old?'

How is this YOUR concern? What business is it of yours? You are fixated on this subject: you've posted countless 'questions' on the subject...it's an obcession.

Do you run around calling people with learning disabilities "RETARDS" and "MORONS"? Why or why not? Do you call the physically handicapped "GIMPS" and "CRIPPLES"? Why or why not? If it is not acceptable to stigmatise the disabled - then why is it allright to stigmatise CHILDREN? Every child is legitimate: it's your brand of thinking that isn't legitimate and it historically was directly responsible for the agonizing deaths of women inflicted with 'backstreet abortions'. Some young mothers even committed INFANTICIDE due to societal and parental pressures (or permitted this to happen and I PERSONALLY know of such a case). Why? BECAUSE OF PREJUDICE AND IGNORANCE SUCH AS YOURS. You are a throw back to the Dark Ages - about which you clearly know NOTHING:

"Illegitimacy is not a widely used word today, and young people may not even recognize it as an insult. The term designated unmarried mothers, unmarried fathers, and their UNLUCKY CHILDREN AS DEVIANTS. All were called “illegitimate,” and illegitimate children WERE sometimes also called “BASTARDS.” As A LABEL, illegitimacy described their COLLECTIVE STATUS AS OUTCASTS who were legally and socially INFERIOR to members of legitimate families headed by married couples. Unmarried birth parents and children suffered penalties ranging from confinement in isolated maternity homes and dangerous baby farms to parental rejection and community disapproval. Before the 1960s, unmarried mothers were usually considered undeserving of the public benefits offered to impoverished widows and deserted wives…. To be illegitimate was to be shamed and shunned.

In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the belief that children born out of wedlock posed significant social and public health problems was widespread…. Eugenicists were also dismayed by illegitimacy because they considered it a major factor in the reproduction of mental deficiency, disease, and anti-social behavior. According to their view, “feeble-minded” children were more likely to be born to unmarried women because illegitimate pregnancies were byproducts of retardation, insanity, epilepsy, or other mental defects…

After 1945, illegitimacy was reinterpreted as a sign of individual maladjustment and psychological disorder… Freudian developmental theory contributed to this transition…influence of unconscious sexual desires throughout the entire life course… nonmarital pregnancies as expressions of neurosis. Girls and women who had sex before or outside of marriage got pregnant on purpose, whether they knew it or not, according to the Freudian worldview. As a pathological and invariably unsuccessful attempt to resolve emotional problems in dysfunctional families of origin, illegitimacy became the property of psychology and science rather than morality and religion…

Unmarried mothers after midcentury were more likely to be white, middle-class adolescents, and their mortified families were determined to give these wayward daughters a second chance to find normal love and maternity through marriage…After the exterminationist regime of National Socialism, which featured not only death camps but an ambitious sterilization program for the biologically unfit, talk about defective children and mothers had such abhorent implications that it became unmentionable, if not entirely unthinkable…

All of this changed again after the sexual revolution of the 1950s and 1960s, and after Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in 1973. During the past three decades, the stigma associated with out-of-wedlock births—and nonmarital sexuality in general—has decreased dramatically. Teen pregnancy still causes periodic panic, but even very young mothers and their babies are no longer ridiculed as “illegitimates.”
Reply:It should worry you that more and more single young women give birth. That means more single parent households and a more disfunctional society. It also speaks poorly of the male's committment and responsibility towards their offspring, whether these are voluntarily or involuntarily conceived. It speaks of the woman's decision to go ahead without a partner and to raise the kids herself.

A chilling percentage indeed.
Reply:Only bastards will keep an equilibrium in the world from the assaults of Islamic Terrorists because, the greater Christian population will with-stand the every growing Islamic 4-wife per Male population boom. Just imagine, if this 30% figure reduces, so will American/Christian dominance.

In my opinion, it is healthy to increase this to 50%.
Reply:Good question. I'm unsure who actually 'cares', but I would be interested to know whether these 3 out of 10 children, are after say 10 years, still with their birth parents, married or not. I don't think it has much bearing on the 'birth' of a child whether his/her parents are married at the time but I would certainly think there is an impact later in their life if/whether the birth parents are split up or still together

broken teeth

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